The Academy of Artificial Arts (AAA) is a fictional art school offering a diverse range of programs developed for robots pursuing careers in the creative arts. Through distinct research paths, AAA aims to foster an environment where robots can grow their artistic abilities and discover their unique algorithms to defy their fortunes as “taskmasters” and “chatbots” who are "coming to get your jobs." Instead, the AAA advocates for an inter-species collaborative future, challenging the current use cases for robotics to embrace a shared creative journey ahead.
Glacial Plows
The dare-devils

Moonlit Stage
The ones that dream
Life Lab 
The problem children
Summer School: Imaging Plato's Cave 
The philosophical ones
Performative Selves
The artsy ones
Signs and Simulations
The perfectionists
Summer School: Solar Printing
The hedonists
Generative Geologies
The renaissance bot
Encoding Dunes 
The spiritual ones
AAA X Nikos Chandolias (@irem.rgb x @frommydadsbakery)
The Sourdough Bread edition​​​​​​​
Exclusive collaboration leveraging the expertise of a skilled artisan-baker and a roboticist Nikos, to integrate machines, advanced technology, and craft within the context of bread making.